Gifts of Assets

Donor surveys rarely reflect personal tax advantages as the number one reason for giving.  That is good!  It means donors give because they care about your mission.

It is still in the best interests of your donors to maximize the tax benefit of their gifts whenever possible.  As qualified charities, the parishes, schools, and ministries of the Diocese of St. Augustine can receive these gifts and pledge payments directly, resulting in significant tax benefits for our donors.

These smarter gifts are becoming more common.  For example, over the last three years, qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) from IRAs, also called “qualified charitable rollovers”, have been the fastest growing type of philanthropy, with an increase of 67%.

When sharing about these types of non-cash gifts, please use the following updated forms, with information on how donors can make gifts of:

  • Appreciated stocks
  • IRA qualified charitable distributions
  • Grants from donor-advised funds


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